Published by IT consulting firm Gartner, Magic Quadrant is a series of market research reports that rely on proprietary qualitative data analysis methods to demonstrate market trends, such as direction, maturity and participants.

It provides graphical diagrams, comprehensive data analyses and practical suggestions on a market’s direction, maturity and participants.

Vendors are judged based on Gartner’s standard criteria and methodology. Every report includes the Magic Quadrant graphic that depicts a market using a two-dimensional matrix that evaluates vendors based on their Completeness of Vision and Ability to Execute.

Gartner Magic Quadrant offers a graphical competitive positioning of 4 different types of technology providers in fast-growing markets: Leaders’, Visionaries, Niche Players and Challenger’s.

Along with that, Gartner also provides the Critical Capabilities notes which offer deeper insight into the capability and suitability of IT products and services providers based on specific or customized use cases.

Vendors are rated based on two criteria: Completeness of Vision and Ability to Execute.


Completeness of Vision

This essential indicates the vendors innovation potential, whether or not the vendor drives or follows the market, and if the vendors view of how the market will develop matched Gartner’s view.


Ability to Execute

Here vendors are scrutinised on factors such as financial viability, market responsiveness, product development, sales channels and customer base.

From this, depending on the respective component scores, a vendor may fall into one of four quadrants.


Quadrant 1: Leaders’

As the name suggests, Leaders’ will command the highest composite scores for their Completeness of Vision and Ability to Execute. Vendors who make it in the Leaders quadrant have the most market share, credibility, and effective marketing & sales capabilities needed to drive the acceptance of new technologies.

Such vendors show a clear understanding of market needs, these are innovators and thought leaders’, and they have well-articulated plans that customers and prospects can use when designing their infrastructures and strategies.

On top of that, they need to occupy (market presence) five major geographical regions, and hold consistent financial performance with broad platform support.


Quadrant 2: Challengers’

Vendors who belong to the Challengers’ quadrant are seen as active in the market and do perform well enough to be considered a worthy competitor and threat to vendors of the Leaders’ quadrant.

Challengers’ produce strong products/services and have quite a reputable market position. They also have the resources to sustain continued growth for the long term.

Challengers’ do well in terms of Financial viability, but the only drawback is their lack of the size and influence in comparison to vendors sitting in the Leaders’ quadrant.


Quadrant 3: Visionaries

Visionaries consist of vendors who deliver innovative products and services that address important end-user problems (operationally and financially) on a broad-scale. However, they have yet to capture market share or sustainable profitability.

These vendors are mainly privately held companies and are often acquired by larger, established companies in the market.


Quadrant 4: Niche Players

Niche Players are vendors who have narrow market focus (vertical segments). Players in this quadrant may include companies that are adapting that are adapting their existing products as part of their plans to enter the market under consideration. It may also include larger vendors who have challenges in developing and executing their vision.


The Magic Quadrant for Network Firewalls

The Magic Quadrant for Network Firewalls measured vendors’ ability to execute as well as the completeness of their vision. A company’s continuing commitment to innovation and customer success is a determining factor to earn the Gartner Magic Quadrant’s Leader position in this category.


Palo Alto Networks – Recognized by Gartner as a Leader for Network Firewalls

It is a big feat for a company to be accepted as a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant, and not only has Palo Alto Networks received this title in 2020, but it has done so for 9 times now.

It is a big call to define a new market, as each year technology progresses faster and faster, more so in the highly competitive cybersecurity space. Palo Alto Networks has done just that and continues to expand and reshape the market for more than 10 years now.

Palo Alto Networks, the global cybersecurity leader, was pinned furthest to the right for completeness of vision and highest for ability to execute among the 17 vendors evaluated.

“We’re honored that Gartner has recognized us as a Leader in nine consecutive Gartner Magic Quadrant for Network Firewalls reports,” said Anand Oswal, senior vice president and general manager at Palo Alto Networks. 

Palo Alto drove their innovation over the past year to deliver a unique approach to cybersecurity. With the industry’s first ML-Powered Next-Generation Firewall and the 70+ new capabilities in PAN-OS 10.0 that the company recently introduced, they are able to leverage on machine learning to proactively stop unknown threats, secure IoT devices and reduce errors with automatic policy recommendations.